Employment Opportunities

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Drainage Repair Project on #18

Given the window of opportunity, with dry weather forecasted for the next week plus, we made the decision to start the replacement of the failed drainage pipe on #18 this week.  The uncertainties of what type of weather that we will have in early March, when we are closed for aerification, was a major factor in the decision

We will be replacing approximately 200' of 36" drainage pipe that is badly damaged.  The damage to the pipe is what created the large sinkhole by the lake on #18.  An outside contractor will be doing the work, with assistance from the maintenance staff.  Due to uncertainties in pipe depth, etc. it is difficult to predict precisely how long the project will take, but we estimate that it will take anywhere from 1-2 weeks to complete. 

For both the expedition of the project and the safety of the workers, we have decided to play the hole as a par 3 while work is being done.  Please check with the golf shop for how that impacts posting your score.  Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding!

the initial step of removing the existing sod began yesterday