Employment Opportunities

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Twenty Eleven Video

The Twenty Eleven video made its debut at the annual Greystone Employee Luncheon yesterday to rave reviews! Here it is for all to see... Enjoy!

Friday, February 24, 2012

#18 Project Completion (almost!)

We were blessed with good weather the past 17 days, which played a huge roll in us completing the project as quickly as we did.  The cart path has been replaced, the irrigation lines have been repaired, and all the sod work has been completed.  We will leave the ropes up to keep cart traffic off until the ground firms up and the sod knits together.  The area will play as "ground under repair" for the next couple of months or so.  Also, we will be topdressing the area several times this summer to help smooth it out.

We are very grateful to have this completed!  Thank you for the patience that you extended us throughout this project!

sod being layed and irrigation lines being repaired

Kevin putting the finishing touches on the cart path

the dirt pile in the woods to the left is in the process of being removed

looking like a golf hole again!

Friday, February 17, 2012

#18 Project Update (Friday afternoon)

Most of the backfilling and grading is now complete and almost all of the fairway has been re-sodded.  Early next week, our goal will be to complete the sod work and replace the sections of cart path that we had to remove to replace the pipe.  Also, we will be doing a lot of touch up on the sod that we put in the fairway as most of it was laid very quickly Tuesday afternoon in an effort to beat the rain.  The plastic that you see in the picture below was put down this afternoon in an effort to keep the area in the rough that we still have to sod as dry as possible with heavy rain forecasted for tomorrow.  The hole has been playing as a par 5 again since Wednesday afternoon.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

#18 Project Update (Wednesday morning)

The connection of the new pipe to the existing pipe was made yesterday afternoon.  We ended up replacing 240' feet of pipe.  Upon completion of the tie in, we backfilled the upper portion of the trench in order to establish a temporary cart path.  We will continue with backfilling the trench today and possibly begin sodding on the lower end this afternoon.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

#18 Project Update (Sunday afternoon)

Late yesterday afternoon, we discovered that we will need to replace 2 more sections (40') of pipe.  Those 2 sections will extend us past the cart path, which means that we will now have to remove approximately 35' of the path and re-pour it when finished.  We will also now have to contend with the irrigation main line as well.  We are hopeful that we will be able to complete the pipe installation by late tomorrow afternoon and begin backfilling the trench with dirt and cleaning up immediately afterwards.

a view from inside the pipe of some of the cracks along the top

180' of new pipe has been installed thus far

Friday, February 10, 2012

#18 Project Update (Friday evening)

We have made a lot of progress in the last 2 days.  We now have 120' of the new pipe installed, which leaves us 60' - 80' to go before we can tie back in to good pipe.  The pipe is getting deeper again as we proceed to the upper end of the fairway.  We are hopeful that we will dodge any heavy rain tonight and be able to continue working throughout the weekend, in the frigid weather.  If all goes well, we should finish installing the pipe either late Sunday afternoon or early Monday morning.  Then we will begin cleaning up and putting everything back together.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

#18 Project Update (Thursday morning)

We did not have to replace the last 2 sections of pipe by the lake, which was a huge relief.  They were a little out of round, but were not cracked.  Tying in was a bit challenging due to the slight differences in shape, but we were able to get it done.  At the end of the day yesterday(Wednesday), we had installed the first 20' section and dug back the next 2 sections of pipe.  Things should go much quicker now that the tie in is complete.  We should have a much better idea how much longer that the project will take by the end of the day today.

a view of part of the old pipe crushed and clogged with mud

a pic of the outfall and all of the mud that has migrated into the lake from the pipe

the existing pipe that we tied in to, lined with mud in the bottom

a shot from near the end of the day yesterday

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Drainage Repair Project on #18

Given the window of opportunity, with dry weather forecasted for the next week plus, we made the decision to start the replacement of the failed drainage pipe on #18 this week.  The uncertainties of what type of weather that we will have in early March, when we are closed for aerification, was a major factor in the decision

We will be replacing approximately 200' of 36" drainage pipe that is badly damaged.  The damage to the pipe is what created the large sinkhole by the lake on #18.  An outside contractor will be doing the work, with assistance from the maintenance staff.  Due to uncertainties in pipe depth, etc. it is difficult to predict precisely how long the project will take, but we estimate that it will take anywhere from 1-2 weeks to complete. 

For both the expedition of the project and the safety of the workers, we have decided to play the hole as a par 3 while work is being done.  Please check with the golf shop for how that impacts posting your score.  Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding!

the initial step of removing the existing sod began yesterday