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Monday, February 21, 2011

Bunker Sand Selection

Since we are in the middle of bunker maintenance, I thought that I would take a moment to talk about bunker sand.  Several factors go into selecting bunker sand.  The USGA offers guidelines for determining the suitability of bunker sand for golf courses.  We have always followed those guidelines when choosing our sand.  According to those guidelines, seven factors should be considered when making the decision.  They are particle size, particle shape and penetrometer value, crusting potential, chemical reaction (pH) and hardiness, infiltration rate, color, and overall playing quality.  I have attached a link to the USGA website below that goes into much greater detail about each factor.  I would like to encourage you to take a look at it so that you can fully understand the detail that is involved.


Below is a copy of the physical properties testing on the bunker sand that we used in 2010.  We have utilized the same supplier for the past 8 years.  They have their sand tested every year by an accredited laboratory.