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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bunker Maintenance

What exactly is bunker maintenance and why do we do it?  For us, bunker maintenance is a simple 2 step process that involves evaluating the depth of sand in each bunker and adding or removing sand accordingly.  We do this at the first of each year to help maintain consistency in regards to playability as well as to help minimize washouts during heavy rain events.  How do we lose consistency?  We lose consistency throughout the year primarily due to washouts caused by heavy rains.  During these events, the bunkers can wash out and become heavily contaminated with silt in the low lying areas of the bunkers.  If not removed, the silt will change the characteristics of the sand and greatly reduce the percolation of water through the bunkers.  In the process of removing the silt, the top half inch or so of the sand is usually removed as well in order to ensure total silt removal. I have outlined the bunker maintenance process below.

First of all, we start by checking the depth of the sand throughout each bunker.  We do this with a standard soil probe which we add a  6" depth marking to.  We have found that our bunkers perform best at a 6" minimum depth and that is the depth that we try to maintain.  As you can see in the video below, Esteban is checking the bunker very thoroughly.  After he checks an area, he will mark areas that need adjusted.

After the bunker is thoroughly checked, the next step is to move sand around or add new sand as needed.

We will then spread the sand out with either the Sand Pro machine or manually with rakes as seen here.

After that we will re-check our depths and then detail the bunker before moving on to the next one.

This process usually takes about 4-5 weeks to complete, based on average weather and labor inputs. Over the past 5 years, we have added an average of 200 tons (7-8 tandem loads) of new bunker sand per year.